10 Minutes 10x Fun!

First Be A Fisherman Than Become A Rapper

It may take 10 minutes for you to read this article. In 10 minutes, you can increase your fun and excitement in any project by 10 times!!

Has anyone called you crazy or unrealistic in the last 4 weeks? Has anyone rejected your ideas or laughed over your plans?

If your answer is NO, you are not fully using your abilities.

You have probably limited scope of your vision and imagination.

You have stopped dreaming.

Past failures, people’s judgement and your own fears have crippled your hopes.

Your vision is blurred. You have decided to live a predictable, routine, cautious and safe life!

There is nothing wrong with this way of life. 

However, limiting one’s vision to fit into people’s approval & existing reality diminishes chances of extraordinary success. This also means you will not experience any big failure or disappointment.

No pains. No gains!

Let us look at the model of success through a conventional paradigm.

Success involves going through two steps:

1) Fisherman. (Personal)

2) Rapper. (Social)


Let us first look at the acronym F.I.S.H.E.R. Man.

Let us say you are looking for new ideas or new projects. You want to create a higher level of success in your health, family, finance, social contribution, spiritual practice or hobbies or any other field. You want to experience greater excitement, fun & thrill.

Use the FISHERman method to immediately create thrill and excitement. You can do it right as you are reading this article. Allow yourself to be a Fisherman.

In the first phase, use your inherent skills and develop abilities in following 6 areas : 

  • Fantasy : Create new fantasy. Allow your mind to create fantasy about your health, fitness, family, relationship, wealth. Give yourself the freedom to create amazing fantasy. For example, you can create a fantasy of owning an island, being the President or travelling all over the world or an unshakable bond in the family.

  • Imagination : Let your imagination run wild. Create mental pictures & images of unbelievable success in your health level, family relationship, finance, spiritual practice, hobbies or any other field. You can imagine yourself being CEO of a Fortune 500 company, imagine owning a luxury car, imagine your family to be the happiest family in the world, imagine being able to run a triple marathon. Or Imagine winning a Nobel Prize or Oscar or being Miss World ! Go ahead, give yourself this freedom. Imagine going a world-tour in your private jet. Imagine something.
  • Speculation : You know speculators who trade in stocks. Be a speculator. Speculate all the positive outcomes of your actions. Start speculating about a great future in your business, career, wealth. Speculate about the exciting future of your family and your personal well-being.
  • Hope : Start hoping beyond conventional limits. Let your hope soar. Start flying with hope. Hope about fulfilling and enriching marriage. Hope for the best outcome in your career. Hope. Hope. Hope. Start hoping about positive changes, miraculous results.

  • Eccentric Dream : Create dreams that people will find crazy. Create a dream of world peace, restoring environmental imbalance, mega success in your career. Start dreaming about profound love & joy in your family and relationships. Dream about your fame, prestige and power. Dream about the expansion of your authority and influence. 

  • Radical Vision : Develop a radical vision that no one has thought before. Develop vision about your success, your safety and your security. Visualize you and your family in ultimate riches, luxuries. Create vision for your health, family and finances.

Have you allowed yourself to Fantasize, Imagine, Speculate, Hope, Dream or Visualize? 

Have you gone through the process of being a FISHERman or FISHERwoman?

Give it a try. This is a practical thought experiment. It doesn't cost anything. If it helps, close your eyes and imagine some impossible results in your career, family, health, hobbies or anything that you consider as important.

Here is the test. 

After this thought-experiment, if you are lit-up, turned on and excited - you have fully participated in the experiment.

If you are feeling unleashed and unrestrained, you have done a good job in the first part.

If you are already getting new ideas and seeing new opportunities, you have fully used the opportunity of FISHERman exercise.

Just notice your inner state. Notice how great you feel. Get present to your own power to create a positive inner state. Write down new ideas, new opportunities and new actions you see. Notice new goals, new results you see as possibilities. Write down your FISHERman goals and actions. It is important to simply notice & record your own ability to cause your own transformation with this simple but powerful FISHERman exercise.

If you fully practice FISHERman steps, it releases a powerful burst of dopamine in your brain. You will feel refreshed and recharged.

If you are a parent, leader or friend to someone, you can make a big difference to their life by allowing them to share their imagination, dreams and hopes. Allow people in your life to be FISHERman. In fact, encourage your team or children to imagine and dream. Don't put any limit on their dreams. This is the biggest contribution you make to people. Listen to their dreams. Allow them to fully explore & express their imagination. Flow with their fantasy, participate in their vision, be present to their hopes. Don't judge. Drop your evaluations and assessments. Let their spirits soar.

Let us go to the next step.


Do people call you unhinged, idealistic or overambitious? Do you often feel jealous and regret? Do you keep looking at your failed projects and wonder what is wrong with you? Do you keep creating new projects and keep failing? Has failure started impacting your health and your confidence?

If yes, you can use the next phase of success mantra and become a RAPPER.

FISHERman is the first step. RAPPER is the next step!

Take-up any goal or wild dream you created. Take-up any fantasy or vision for this next exercise. 

Key to success is getting other people to be part of your vision. If no one shares your vision, you are living in delusion or you are simply hallucinating. 

When you imagine a future or create a vision, it is your personal & private reality. Most important action to achieve success is sharing your vision and getting people to be part of the vision. As more people join your vision, your vision will become shared reality. If a large number of people start finding your vision as their personal future, vision will have higher chances of being a success. As you share your vision, you might need to expand or improve the vision such that everyone can participate. 

If your vision is to be the richest man in the world and siphon off wealth from everyone else, no one will share your vision. Your vision to rule over people is likely to fail. 

But if you create a vision to be an inventor of a new product, company or solution that helps everyone on the planet and creates value for customers, staff members & all stakeholders, your vision will be shared by everyone. If you want power to improve people’s lives, everyone may voluntarily give you authority to rule. 

Once you are a RAPPER, you involve everyone. Your vision transforms and it gets shared by everyone. Use the following model to make your vision a shared reality.

Real : Words can mean different things to different people. Every word is decoded differently in our brain. Each word invokes different feelings, different interpretations and different meanings. However, numbers are the same for everyone. Numbers are universally a shared reality. Numbers are real. In your vision, add some numbers! Numbers allow people to participate. If your vision is to create the happiest family on the planet, add a number in it. For example, create a vision to spend 10 minutes every morning in prayer together or spend 30 minutes on the dinner table from 8:00 PM to 8:30 PM. As you add numbers, vision becomes real.

Action-oriented : Many people cannot see vision. But everyone can see action. Action enrolls people. If you define actions, many people will become partners. For example, let us say your vision is to win a gold medal in the Olympics or get admission to Harvard or stand # 1 in the most competitive exam. Start adding actions. If you tell people, I will win the next Olympics gold medal for running, most people will not believe you. However, if you tell people, I will run everyday for two hours as I am practicing to win the next Olympics Gold Medal, most people will believe and trust your action. Everyone can verify and notice the action. Include the Action Part in your vision. Action enrolls people.

Planned : Let us say, you are in the high-school and you want pursue P.hD. in quantum physics. Create a plan and share your plan with people. Communicate your plan to complete high-school, undergraduate studies, post-graduate studies and your plan for P.hD. Include timeline, milestones and key results in every step. Create believable, clear pathways. Most people will feel excited to be part of a planned project. 

People Agreed : Get someone with authority and power to endorse your vision. Involve more and more people in the plan. When a lot of people agree to a vision, this vision is guaranteed for success. Build agreement. Agreement creates success.

Ensured : List evidence, parameters and criterions that ensures success of your plan. When you share your vision in a way that feels like assured success, everyone will participate. If your vision feels fully insured and guaranteed, it will become a grand success. Include all possibilities of failure in the vision and communicate how you have thought in advance about failures and how to manage the failures. 

Real Commitment : Confirm your stand and commitment for the vision & plan. When everyone sees you are really committed, vision has higher chances for success.

As you take your project through the RAPPER stage, your project matures, evolves and gets ready for prime success.

If someone shared their dream with you, you can contribute to the RAPPER stage by giving constructive feedback that expands the dream to include everyone. Use RAPPER tool to examine, what feedback you can give such that dream becomes real. If your child, team member or friend shares the dream with you, you have a sacred responsibility to make it a success. Be patient. Be careful. Use creative ideas to give feedback such that the vision becomes a shared reality.

Both steps are fun and exciting.

Be playful. Learn from each step. 

Learn how to create personal imaginative projects.

Next, take it to people. Understand their criticism, opinions, reservations and concerns. Expand and evolve the project. Create a vision that can become a shared reality.

Writing this article is an experiment in trying out both the steps.

My vision is to contribute to my friends and loved ones by writing effective and valuable articles. I feel words are the most powerful resources. Words can make a big contribution. I imagine a world in which ideas and words are used to inspire people. I am doing my bit with these articles. I have created a dream of helping the readers with new ideas and new power. I hope this article has created new insight and value for you.

As I share this article with you, this personal vision is now social ! You are the partner in this vision to spread IDEAs that make a difference. You can participate in this vision by sharing this article or any other article that has made a difference to you. 

I invite you to share. 

Sharing ideas enriches people around us.

Sharing inspiring words that can contribute to everyone.

If you have found this article valuable, please like and share. Drop a comment and let me know what you liked and how this article has made a difference for you.

Thanks for reading this article and allowing me to share the ideas that can make a difference.


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