You are bigger than your career & work. Introducing F3nS3 Life Matrix.

Right from the childhood, we learn that Results Matter. We get scorecards in school, college, and performance appraisal reports at work. Our scorecard and appraisal report is the Performance Matrix used to evaluate our education or work. Unconsciously, we also use a performance matrix to evaluable our life. Our performance matrix has only one area: Money.

In this article, we will explore Bigger Life Performance Matrix with 6 Core Areas. We are calling this new matrix F3nS3. F3nS3 Life matrix will include measuring your performance in Fitness, Family, Finance, Spiritual Practice, Social Contribution, and Special Hobbies!

Most of us identify with our roles and money. We know ourselves by our titles - CEO, VP, General Manager, Director, etc. Society teaches us to measure our success in comparison with others. We consider ourselves successful only if we earn more as compared to others or if we have better titles than others. As we have erroneously equated life with money and title, we get threatened when our work, title, and money are threatened!

In my long-career as Founder & CEO of global enterprise and strategic leader at the Chamber of Commerce, I have experienced several successes and major failures. I have read books, attended courses, traveled around the world, and explored life in its varied expressions. I have authentically discovered that life and human being are much bigger than just money, career or work roles.

Research and as-lived experience will suggest that money, career, and work is ONLY one aspect of our life. There are other 5 aspects and areas of life that are equally important. We will call them 3Fs and 3S

Make a plan for each of the Six Important Areas -

  • 3 Critical Areas 3F - Fitness, Family, Finance
  • 3 Important Areas 3S - Social Contribution, Spiritual Practice, Sideline Hobbies

Let us look at 6 important areas in your life that are essential for a peaceful and happy life. 1st three areas are extremely critical and the last three areas are required for an inspiring and happy life.

1) Fitness :

Fitness includes health, well-being, and energy. Health is the biggest wealth. Do you actually treasure, value, and celebrate your health? We keep count of money. Have you kept count of days when you felt absolutely fit, healthy, and energetic? Do you feel proud, happy and grateful for the state of your health? Law requires us to maintain our financial statements. We carefully record our income, expenses, and asset statements.

Have you ever maintained Health Statement? Like financial statements, health statements will be an overall statement of your health - factors that increase your health & stamina and factors that reduce your health and stamina. 

You can take 3 critical actions for better health :

1) Nutrition & Diet

2) Sleep

3) Exercise

Health is # 1. Taking care of your health is the most important action you can take. If you are reading this message on Linkedin, you are pretty healthy! Celebrate your health.

Even during lockdown, I work for almost 10-12 hours every day. Although our company is not producing great results, I am happy that I have the strength and stamina to work consistently for 12 hours every day. I get up 6:00 in the morning, my day starts with Yoga/Pranayam/ Meditation. By 8:00 AM, I get ready and start working on a Laptop in my dedicated work area. Official day starts with Zoom meeting with staff members, responding to emails, reviewing customer messages. We have over 100+ staff members and contractors that work from home located in different parts of the world. It is a privilege to work and interact with everyone. At 1:30, I take lunch exactly as I used to take in my office. I am back to work from home at 2:30 PM and my work continues till 9:30 PM. We don't earn billions of dollars in revenue. Still we are happy that we have the health and stamina to work!

2) Family :

Family includes your close relationships, friends, religious congregation, and community. ou exist in relationships. In the language of Vedas, this world is Dvait - Duality. Your family, friends, and relationships create an experience of fulfillment, meaning, and satisfaction. Do you consider relationships as assets? Do you protect & nurture relationships? You consistently take action to get more money. What actions are you taking to enrich, enhance, and expand your relationships? Some of the actions you can take on a daily basis are:

2.1 Appreciate & take stand for people's greatness. When you read someone's Whatsapp message, article, youtube video, or email, take some time to feel great about the person who created it. Send them a response that empowers that person.

2.2 Create a vision for other people & let them know their strengths & future possibilities. For example, if someone likes cooking in your home, let them know she is your MasterChef! Create big vision for people around you. Relate to them through their big vision. Initially, people may find it strange if you respect them as a big individual. Slowly, they will believe in their greatness and start acting & producing results like a big person.

2.3 Drop past. Forgive. Give up resentment. Be grateful. No one is perfect. All our complaints and resentment is based on the fundamental demand for perfection. Love & appreciate everyone as they are. Check out the following research on the role of Family on your well-being.

3) Finance :

Finance will include your career, investment, money management, skills development, and educational pursuits designed to earn more money. Education, skills, career, money, finances, and investment is the 3rd important area. Learn new skills, master new ideas, and concepts. Take action to create a financial plan, learn investment strategies, protect & grow your money. Some actions you can take to advance in your career & grow your money are:

1) Learn new skills, develop a training plan, create a plan for your career advancement.

2) Learn investment principles. Create an investment plan. Start investing.

3) Monitor your skills, investment, and career advancement. Take coaching. Check out some links on research on money & finance.

4) Social Contribution :

Most people believe earning money is the ultimate goal. We have no idea about spending money or strategic social contribution. Social contribution is extremely important for an individual's well-being & fulfillment. What is the use of your money and success if it does not translate into joy & satisfaction in everyday living of life?

Start preparing a plan to contribute. You have a career to earn money. Now, create a serious and strategic plan to donate money, make a social contribution, help people. Helping people will help you. Read the following article:

5) Spiritual Practice :

Most of us keep careful account of our degrees, educational qualifications & time spent in acquiring various titles? Do you keep count of time you spend in prayer or meditation? Prayer & meditation are THE most important actions you can take to enhance the quality of your life and well-being. Consider your ability to pray as the ultimate source of joy & satisfaction.

6) Special Hobbies :

Finally, consider hobbies as important as your gold and mutual fund investment! Planning for hobbies must be an important priority. Hobbies are an expression of ultimate freedom. You are bound by no compulsion. Hobbies are final luxury. You are free. Do what you want!

We have retirement planners. We should also have hobby planners. Pay close attention to your hobbies. Develop your hobbies. Hobbies are your best friend. If you like music, singing, dance, literature, poetry, stamp collection, cricket, sports - treasure it. Your hobbies are the ultimate source of pleasure, independence, and self-expression.

Make a plan for each of the Six Important Areas -

3 Critical Areas - Fitness, Family, Finance

3 Important Areas - Social Contribution, Spiritual Practice, Sideline Hobbies

Create goals in each area. Monitor your assets, accomplishment, and progress in each of these 6 areas. Don't just spend time earning money and investing money. Spend time (every day) enhancing fitness, family, finance, social contribution, spiritual practice, and hobbies. Make these 6 areas matrix of your life. Live a richer, bigger, and more fulfilled life. I trust you are enjoying these articles.

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